Category: Medical

Brazilian Butt Lift before and after photos– What to look for

Brazilian Butt Lift before and after photos– What to look for

Brazilian Butt Lift before and after photos– What to look for

BBL procedure begins with liposuction, in which the surgeon removes fat from various parts of the body and then processes and re-injects it into the buttocks and hips. Before surgery, the locations of intended liposuction (Shafer says fat is generally removed from the belly or lower back) and the contour of planned fat grafting are delineated.

Liposuction is done in the targeted regions when the patient is placed face down on the operating table under anesthesia. The fat is collected in a sophisticated system that distinguishes between living fat cells and liposuction fluid. This fat is then injected into the targeted areas of the buttocks. According to Shafer, doctors will occasionally transplant fat into the thighs or hips depending on the patient`s desired body shape. The technique necessitates a few small incisions that are sutured closed at the end.

Brazilian Butt lift surgery necessitates that your physician produces a generously sized and nicely formed buttock cheek. Prospective patients should check for smooth contour lines throughout, particularly at the intersection of the upper buttocks, lower back, lower buttocks, and lateral thighs. A typical error made by inexperienced BBL surgeons is leaving too much upper lateral buttock fullness, characterized by the shelf deformity produced.

Although subtleties in form and size are subjective and decided by patients utilizing the Brazilian Butt Lift Assessment tool, the overall buttock contour should be rounded and devoid of any cellulite-causing creases or cavitations. If patients have severe cellulite in their lower buttocks and posterior thighs, they should provide a lateral thigh and buttock tuck to augment fat transfer. This addition will physically remove excess skin and shorten the buttocks.

A BBL is much more than transferring fat to your butt. This is about the curve of your hips, tummy, and thighs. A superior surgical plan must take that into account. The best way to know the possibilities is to book a consultation. Learn more here:

Look Over These Top Oral Hygiene Suggestions To Help Make Your Teeth GreatLook Over These Top Oral Hygiene Suggestions To Help Make Your Teeth Great

When it comes down to how your teeth look,just you have the control and power. If you’re not content with the outcome thus far,then maybe it’s time that you made a couple of changes. Your dentist office can not be entrusted with everything. Adopt a proactive stance,and begin working towards a better set of teeth today.

Your toothbrush ought to always be well-kept. What should you do whenever you are done with brushing? Diligently rinse your toothbrush off,and allow it to air dry. Make sure your toothbrush will never touch anything not safe. Utilize a toothbrush holder. An enclosed container can easily grow germs,hence don’t ever put your toothbrush there. Every couple of months do not forget to get a new toothbrush.

Cut down on your sugar consumption for the welfare of your teeth. This is food that is bad for your teeth. What should you do in the event that you do ingest it? Have it along with your meal and drink plenty of pure water. It is ideal if you can brush after each time you eat.

Are your teeth supersensitive? If so,a lot of dental offices urge that you choose a special toothpaste. It will help seal up the tubules leading to the nerves in your teeth and even is obtainable at the drug store and even discount merchants. Deal with the trouble once and for all. This is the most suitable solution.

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Your young children ought to never indulge in a considerable amount of juice. Never invite them to do this. The sugars in juice will remain on your child’s teeth throughout the day,assisting the growth of cavities. Give pure water instead. Many little ones may need some flavor. You can come up with a refreshingly delicious drink simply by squeezing a bit of lemon into some ice water.

If your older fillings be composed of mercury,you should have them upgraded. Mercury may possibly induce harm to other systems of your body because it is poisonous. Speak with your dental practitioner about substances out there that are thought safer for fillings.

Use mouthwash to keep your breath smelling pretty good. It will even eliminate all the loose debris. Make sure to refrain from using a mouthwash with alcohol in it as those products usually dry out the mouth,making an optimal place for bacteria and resulting in awful conditions in the future.

Is brushing,flossing and going to the dentist sufficient? No,to properly take care of your teeth,you must do even more. Bring about a couple of significant modifications to your life. You should,in order to have healthy teeth and a bright white smile. Discontinuing tobacco use will dramatically aid your oral health and wellness,and steering clear of foods that are able to discolor your teeth is an exceptional suggestion.

You should certainly go and get a second opinion whenever you are advised that you require a deep cleaning when you see a dental practitioner. It is conceivable that you do need to have this specific treatment method,still you really want to be certain of it before you go through with it. Various dental professionals encourage this merely to line their pockets.

Should you put an end to using tobacco products? Certainly,try your absolute best to end it. Are you knowledgeable that cigarette smoking is able to lead to gum disease? A large number of people are not actually,and gum disease leads to tooth-loss in plenty of men and women. When getting rid of your compulsion for cigarettes,you will certainly increase the probability of your teeth lasting a lot longer.

Why is it important to purchase the correct style of toothbrush? Due to the fact that there are diverse toothbrushes for children and adults. Hard toothbrush bristles can surely damage your gums. You do not want that. Look for toothbrushes that have an ADA insignia on the package. They have been examined to ensure that the bristles will not hurt your gums.

A natural home remedy which can serve to keep your teeth tidy is apple cider vinegar. What health benefits does this specific kind of vinegar provide? It is going to wipe out germs,lighten your teeth,and even clear away stains. Apple cider vinegar is more effective if you employ it just before you brush your teeth in the morning. Incredibly cost-effective,apple cider vinegar is an excellent asset in your dental hygiene.

Do you mostly skip flossing just because you are uncertain of how to do it appropriately? Have your dental practice show you the right way to floss. Precisely how should you grip the dental floss? And how do you go about using floss? Your dental office is going to detail you all of it.

Use the pointers you have just read to make things simpler on yourself as you figure out how to better look after your teeth. Carry out those adjustments. Your teeth are standing by. Start with a more suitable plan today,and always keep what you have read through in your consciousness.

Cosmetic Dentistry ServicesCosmetic Dentistry Services

Con – Delicate Material

Porcelain veneers are prone to chipping or cracking over time because the material is delicate. Cosmetic dentists don’t recommend biting your nails, chewing on ice, or grinding your teeth due to damage that can occur. The natural teeth that are in place under the veneers can also continue to decay and aren’t protected from bacteria or decay. Over time, the patient may be at risk of root canals and crowns that are needed.

Pro – Low Maintenance

Porcelain Dental Veneers are low-maintenance, which makes them easy to care for and won’t require extra time cleaning them each day. You can continue your normal routine of brushing and flossing once they’re installed without additional upkeep needed. You also won’t have to worry about stains or discoloration occurring over time because the veneers will maintain their color shade and will continue to appear white. You also won’t have to worry about spending money on teeth brightening treatments or avoiding certain types of food because your smile will continue to be white.

Con – Increased Sensitivity

Some patients may experience increased sensitivity once veneers are installed due to the procedure. You may notice that your teeth become more sensitive when drinking or eating hot or cold foods, which can limit what you eat in your diet. Fortunately, the sensitivity subsides after several days.

Dental veneers are a viable option for those who want to improve the color, shape, or placement of their teeth. By understanding the pros and cons of the procedure, you can decide if it’s the best option for your needs with the help of a dental professional.

Benefits of Concierge MedicineBenefits of Concierge Medicine

Not only do local patients have an easier time making an appointment, but they also have an easier time getting in touch with their physician or internal medicine internist. Some physicians allow their patients to call, text and Skype with them.

Better Patient Outcome

Studies have shown that concierge medicine has better outcomes. Patients who have chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol have an easier time managing them. They are also less likely to end up in the hospital due to complications from a chronic illness.

Preventative Care

Concierge doctors place a lot of emphasis on preventative care. Because they are able to spend more time with patients, they are able to educate them about what they can do to stay healthy. Focusing on preventative care helps improve a patient’s overall health.


While patients will have to pay a fee upfront for concierge medicine, they will be able to save money in the long run. Focusing on preventative care helps patients save money on their healthcare. Concierge physicians also help patients save money by ordering fewer tests. Traditional doctors have to order a lot of tests because they do not have a lot of time to spend with the patients.

Breast Augmentation RecoveryBreast Augmentation Recovery

The actual “full” recovery period from breast enhancement surgery is at least a year and this involves a gradual softening of the tissues around the breast implant and time for the implant to settle into its natural position. A significant amount of the recovery occurs within 2-3 months; but it will take the external scar a year to soften/mature and the internal tissues undergo similar softening. Immediately following breast implant placement, most implants will appear high up on the chest wall with a very rounded upper pole. Over the course of a year, this “implant look” will soften and the upper pole of the breast will develop a more natural slope with the breast mound assuming a more natural appearance as well.

Occasionally, the capsule around the breast doesn’t soften or becomes more firm and this is called capsular contracture. There may be some early treatment options for this and this will be discussed with your plastic surgeon during your early postoperative visits. Some of the long term adverse complications from breast augmentation surgery include capsular contracture (previously mentioned) or breast implant rupture. Rupture of a saline filled device is easy to determine as the breast loses volume. The larger the leak, the quicker the volume loss; but could be as quickly as a day or slowly decrease over several weeks. The usual treatment of a ruptured saline breast implant is to replace the device. This should be done relatively soon after diagnosed to minimize the shrinking of the capsule which may require more work to expand if allowed to shrink too much. Rupture of silicone gel devices are much more difficult to diagnose. Quite often patients will have a ruptured device for years and not note any difference in appearance or feel.

Diagnostic imaging is notoriously inadequate as there is no gold standard test which has a high sensitivity or specificity (low rate of false negative or false positive results). MRI scans are the most accurate but are only about 85 % specific for ruptured silicone gel and they are quite expensive. Mammography is excellent for detecting early breast CA; but not very helpful in detecting ruptured silicone gel breast implants. Most clinicians would recommend replacing a known ruptured silicone gel implant, but there is no proof or agreement of untoward sequelae from long term ruptured silicone gel causing physical symptoms or problems despite many anecdotal reports and junk science on the subject. Other long term potential breast augmentation complications are related to each patient’s own tissues and the loss of elasticity in those tissues. The amount of sagging which can occur in these tissues is also dependent upon whether the implants were placed above or below the muscle. Most plastic surgeons would agree that breast implants don’t last forever and the most recent studies suggest that most patients who have breast implants placed will have another breast implant operation during their lifetime. Breast augmentation surgery is a lifelong commitment and appropriate follow up should be anticipated.